Kindergarten teachers need a variety of materials to keep their students engaged. I have complied a list of my all time favorite items that I use on a daily basis in my classroom.
Number 1: Individualized Student White Boards
In my kindergarten classroom, my students use individualized white board daily. We use them for a variety of different things! For example, we use these white boards in reading, phonics, math and so much more! I personally like the Magnetic Lakeshore Learning. They are an investment, but they last forever! My students love using magnetic letters to create words on them!

Number 2: Personal Laminator
Centers are one of my favorite activities to do with my students. In order, to reuse my centers year after year, I have a personal laminator. I have had my Scotch Brand laminator for over six years!

Number 3: Sterilite Storage Bins
I try to create centers that I can use year after year. I have gone through a ton of different ways to store them and these Sterilite Storage Bins are my absolutely favorite. I have a bin for each month of the school year and store all of my centers in them.

Number 4: Classroom Rug
A classroom rug is a BIG purchase, however it is something that I use every single day, year after year. My kindergarten students laugh, play, learn and grow on our rug. My rug is from Schoolgirl Style. It was expensive, but oh so worth it!

Number 5: Table Caddies
In my classroom, we have community supplies for pencils, eraser and glue sticks. I use my table caddies to house those supplies.

Number 6: Mailbox
I would be lost without my mailbox! I actually have two sets. In my kindergarten classroom, I truly foster independence, so my students get their homework from their mailbox in the morning. The other set of mailboxes is used to file their work daily, and they take it home in their Friday folders at the end of the week!

Number 7: Book Display Stand
If anyone knows me, they know I LOVE books. My classroom is filled and filled with books. Each month, I change my book display stand out with new theme or holiday books. My kindergartners love when I put out a new set of books.

Number 8: Pocket Chart
I use so many pocket charts in my classroom. Every morning, my students sign in on a pocket chart where they answer a mystery question. I use pocket charts for my literacy and play centers. Pocket charts allow students to easily view what center that they are in.

Number 9: Magnatiles
If there is a toy that I used over and over again in my kindergarten classroom, it is magnates! They are incredibly well-made and it really encourages creativity. Every year my students love them!

Number 10: Play Doh
I have loved Play Doh since I was a little girl! Play doh is something I order every year. We use them it in literacy centers to tap out words.